Quiz - Cloud

The following quiz contains questions that you can use to test what you have learned for yourself.

Instructions for the quiz (click here)
--- primary_color: '#1C90F3' title_color: black shuffle_questions: false shuffle_answers: true --- ## What are cloud services? > Cloud services offer a variety of data center services. 1. [ ] Weather apps for smartphones. >No. They are online offerings for storage, applications or computing services with high availability. 3. [x] Online offerings for storage, applications, or computing services with high availability. >**Right answer** 4. [ ] Cloudy promises. >Not correct. They are online offerings for storage, applications, or computing services with high availability. ## Should you store all your personal data in cloud services? >You shouldn't let important data out of your hands without securing it. 1. [ ] Why not? Who would be interested in my data? >Wrong - by collecting data about you, conclusions can be drawn that can be of disadvantage to you. 2. [x] No, who knows if they will not be deleted or even stolen. >**Right answer** 3. [ ] Sure, the providers already know what they are doing. >Not correct. Even professionals can get hacked - or go broke! ## Are "public clouds" operated by the public sector? > "Public" does not refer to the legal form of the provider. 1. [ ] Yes, the other are "Private Clouds." >No, "Public Clouds" are mostly offered by private parties - they can be used "publicly" (public) by anyone. 2. [ ] It depends on the weather. >Funny, but wrong. "Public Clouds" are mostly offered by private parties - they can be used "publicly" (public) by anyone. 3. [x] No, usually public clouds are operated by private service providers. >**Right answer** ## How can I protect my data in the cloud? > Self-protection is never wrong. 1. [ ] I don't need that, the service provider does that. >In Authorities or institutions there are regular secure defaults for the service systems. For your personal data, you have to make sure it is secure in the cloud yourself. 2. [ ] It's okay for anyone to see my data, it doesn't need to be protected. 2. [ ] Anyone can see my data, they do not need to be protected. >You might regret this. By collecting data about you, conclusions can be drawn that may be disadvantageous for you. 3. [x] I am responsible for protection myself, e.g. by assigning secure passwords and encryption. >**Correct Answer**