Electronic Data Processing

Fast and direct access to data

With the increasing digitization of data, important and critical information is also available electronically. As a result, it can be processed more quickly, but also forwarded and copied in an uncontrolled manner.

In the process, almost any internal information can now be exploited to the detriment of your Authority or institution or customers. Like all important data, digital information must therefore be protected from unauthorized access. Data protection law and information security require us to take appropriate technical and organizational protection measures.

Forwarding information

First check, then send!

Before forwarding sensitive data, you should briefly check three points:

  • Is there a legal basis for forwarding personal data?. A legal basis or the consent of the data subject is required to pass on personal data.
  • Can I trust the recipient? Is she allowed to see the information contained? Make sure you use the correct addressees. If necessary, indicate that the data is confidential or must not be disclosed.
  • Where does the information go? Especially when sending unencrypted over the Internet, be sure that the data is not confidential. But even when sending to printers that are not located at your workplace, you must ensure that no unauthorized person can view the data.

With unencrypted e-mail traffic, you must never send confidential data. E-mails and faxes can be read like postcards! If in doubt, send letters.

Good to know


  • “As little as possible, as much as necessary.”
  • Also, only share your personal information to the extent necessary.